How to read Business Insider Prime Articles for free.*

Timar Ivo Batis
2 min readNov 4, 2019


Update: I have since published Readium. Skip the paywall with one click.

Is every article paid now?

Recently Business Insider started to increasingly put articles behind a paywall.
I follow them on social media, where they of course predominantly promote their paid content. And it just seemed like all articles I try to read are “prime content”.

Lets see…

I noticed that the content of the article is loaded and then quickly disappears. Which made me want look if I couldnt bring the article back.

Bingo! Turns out the content is still there only hidden.

A simple thing to undo, but also a simple thing to fix for the developers at BI. So enjoy while it lasts…

At your service:

Create a bookmark and paste the following code as the link. Click the Bookmark whenever you want to read a BI Prime article.



Paste this javascript code into the console of the BI page.


*For educational purposes only

